

CHALLENGE: Sea Tow wanted to seek out younger audiences, specifically Wealthy Family Weekenders.

SOLUTION: I designed a concept for an ad specifically to target the key audience where they are at: online. Research showed that the target audience is more likely to go online and listen to the radio than watch TV or read newspapers. Thus, I created a rich media, interactive banner ad. Another key insight about the target audience showed that they want a service that provides them with an experience that makes them feel rewarded, while not necessarily being inclusive. This led to the big strategic idea of “The target audience wants an experience custom to them.” With this in mind, I let them make the choices with this ad, showing them that with Sea Tow, their boating experience will always be unique. The design of this ad would feature animated line drawings based on the selection the user makes, such as a young adult water boarding behind a boat when users select "All Fun & Games."

Hover Screen
Wakeboarding Animation
Fishing Animation
Dolphin Animation
Tagline Screen. Whatever you choose to do while on the open water, SeaTow has you covered.
Join Today Screen
Mock Up of SeaTow Banner Ad