Expose: An International Activism Agency


CHALLENGE: Create a cohesively art directed and designed campaign based around a social justice issue.

SOLUTION: After doing research around censorship (the issue we decided to focus our efforts around), we discovered that there weren't any organizations speaking out about censorship in other countries within the United States at the time. So we created a concept for an agency of our own: Expose.

Expose is an international activism agency that practices strategic non-compliance for those in fear of a strong-handed government. It would exist to speak out and start a freedom revolution for countries that cannot on their own. The featured campaign for Expose would be the Cease the Censorship Campaign. This campaign is centered around getting the word out — primarily in the United States — about how harmful censorship is in countries like China, Russia, and Cuba. The life of the campaign stems from historical American figures, who set forth pillars of free speech. Using provocative imagery akin to propaganda from these other countries and gagging figures like George Washington, we believed this campaign would definitely be noticed and spark conversations.


All three campaign posters hanging on a brick wall, including George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and Thomas Jefferson
Microsite Screen 1
Microsite Screen 2
Microsite Screen 3
Microsite Screen 4
Microsite Screen 5
Microsite Screen 6
Playbill Ad
Censorship Painting
Native Ad
Washington Monument Projection
Gateway Arch Monument Projection